Installation Instructions

Nest Box and Sound System Installation Instructions:

Nest box installation instructions are given with safety in mind
Take care at all times when fitting Genesis Nest Boxes

The instructions for swift nest box, kestrel nest box, garden bird nest boxes and barn owl nest box installation can be found here. They have been written with your safety in mind. Care should be taken to ensure that the area being worked in is clear of obstacles and electrical cables before work begins. Ladders should always be secured or have someone holding them while they are being used. Instruction sheets are below and can be downloaded:

Ear with sounds going in and coming out.

Swifts sound file for Genesis’ Own Sound System – left click on the file, then right click on the player when it opens and select “save as audio” to save the file to your device.

Swift Nest Box Installation Instructions from BirdWatch Ireland. Pages 14 and 15 have the relevant information.